The Game
Avengers Initiative features the Incredible Hulk and Captain America in a gesture based fight to save the world,
exclusively for touch screen devices.
Personal Contributions
Refactored combat system code and took over role of lead combat engineer for the Captain America release.
Implemented an autoplay system and AI (aka, AutoHulk) for use in bug testing and performance data capturing.
Additionally, implemented the analytics data collection and visualization systems, which became valuable tools
in making the high end game run on low end devices.
The Game
Guilty Party is a fun and hilarious mystery party game, exclusively for the Wii.
Personal Contributions
Along with engineer Fletcher Dunn and designer Patrick Curry, invented the mystery engine that powers Guilty Party.
The patented engine helps author logically sound mysteries, generates new cases for each party mode game,
and drives the accusation system.
Wrote several hundred clues, including classic testimony like, Just before the crime, I heard the victim shout,
"No, don't use my blue comb!" which could be paired with the evidence, It's a blue comb, with strands of
short hair in it. Could the butler be the guilty party?
The Game
Hail to the Chimp is a chaotic, clam grabbing, opponent bashing, political party game.
It makes as much sense as the typical election, and there's just as much to laugh at.
Personal Contributions
Implemented the bot AI system that added to the chaos when there weren't enough players on the ballot.
Notable features include dynamic clam collecting pathfinding, rating-function based action selection,
and agent cooperation to support the game's team-up feature.
Implemented the combat dialog triggering system responsible for the witty political barbs and cries of
pain as the candidates battle it out.